
“The Bradley Center is a place of escape where I can open up my feelings and share what I feel. It is a place that I can help people to deal with their grief and I can be helped in turn. There is no other place on earth that I feel safe talking to a […]


“It helps my son. Nothing else comes close to mattering. I like very much that we can speak of religious matters openly. Groups that make you hide those things are NOT helpful.”


“I love the feel of the spirit that is there, and that I can feel free to speak of spiritual things. I love that our nametags are ready for us at the door. I like having the adults split into parents and spouses.”


“I like attending the group conversation because it gives me a chance to talk about my husband’s death, otherwise I don’t really talk about it. I also like knowing that the way I am feeling (the ups and downs, anger, etc.) is normal. I also like knowing other people who are going through the same […]


“I just really love that this place is family oriented. It’s a fun, family atmosphere. I really like that!”


“I like how you feel welcomed with open arms from everyone at The Bradley Center. I like to see my kids connect with other kids in the same situation. I see it makes my kids open up about their feelings.”


“I like being able to talk to a group of people that have been through what I have been through… I am not judged as a person for the way I feel. I also like that the children are being helped as well.”


“I love the concept of the center and it has helped my family tremendously. I would like to see the groups held for like 30 minutes longer. Sometimes I think it takes a minute for things to get going, so a little extra time may help.”


“I love everything about The Bradley Center. It has truly helped myself and my kids.”


“I have only attended once, but my daughter (12) went in feeling nothing but negative thoughts about being there. She came out loving it.”